Beschrijving van de dierenartsenpraktijk
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Voor spoedgevallen of indien de online beschikbare tijdstippen voor u niet passen, aarzel niet om te bellen (contactgegevens beschikbaar hieronder).
For short-term appointments or outside of time slots available online, or with a specific veterinarian, as well as for any surgical procedures (surgery, dental scaling, etc.), the appointment must be made by phone (contact details available at the bottom of the page).
Special attention is given to making our patients and their owners comfortable from the very first contact. We see ourselves as partners with our clients, with whom we engage in genuine teamwork in the service of their animal.
Each step of the diagnosis and treatment is thoughtfully considered and discussed with the owner in the best interest of their animal. We are highly available and always attentive to our clients, striving to treat each animal as if it were our own! We make it a point of honor to use medications judiciously and responsibly, especially vaccines and antibiotics. Vaccination schedules are personalized based on the actual needs of the animal.
When booking online, we try to respect your choice of veterinarian. However, unforeseen circumstances may make this impossible. If this happens, another qualified veterinarian will take care of your animal. Thank you for your understanding.
Onze inzet voor het dierenwelzijn
Every effort is made to minimize the stress of our patients during consultations. We place great importance on the follow-up and support of our patients at the end of their life, with the utmost gentleness and the greatest respect for their well-being and dignity.
Mon cabinet est équipé d'une salle d'opération moderne avec anesthésie gazeuse, d'un appareil de radiologie numérique et d'un laboratoire d'analyse.
Je n'hésite pas, en cas de besoin, à faire appels à des collègues spécialistes, experts dans leur domaine, et avec qui j'entretiens de bons contacts.